Field Sales Executive

apartmentAva Infotech Private Limited placeJabalpur calendar_month 
Field sales work, Lead Generation, Onboarding new business with company
More about this Field Sales Executive job

Ava Infotech Private Limited is aggressively hiring for the job profile of Field Sales Executive at Jabalpur in Gangai Badkheda locality. Kindly go through the FAQs below to get all answers related to the given job.
  1.  How much salary can I expect?
Ans. You can expect a minimum salary of 18,400 INR and can go up to 30,000 INR. The salary offered will depend on your skills, experience and performance in the interview.
  2.  What is the eligibility criteria to apply for this job? Ans. The...
apartmentFinancial ServicesplaceJabalpur
We are looking for a field sales executive to develop sales strategies and attract new clients. The ideal person will source new sales opportunities and close sales to achieve targets. The field sales executive will play a key role in increasing...